Thursday, June 28, 2007

Its similiar to a vacuum.What is it?

My job. Because it sucks - right now it sucks. Its sucking the life out of me.

Yesterday i did a quick 4 miler with a few hill drills. And yes, it was hot-t-t-t.

this is funny- if you have ever had a bad flight-

Monday, June 25, 2007

This is funny.

have you ever heard of "things my boyfriend" its self explanatory. I enjoy it. I wish boyfriend would say more things more often though, he is amusing.
Yesterday was the day. Or not?

I did my first distance race of 2007 yesterday - Fairfield half marathon. (in preparations for longer marathon and reach the beach in sept ) It went well but I did not meet my time goal. The weather was PERFECT coolest of all three years. i came in at 1'58". 48. Not what I wanted but it was still a great day to run!

My third year doing this race, second year on the same course (1st time there were less hills)
If you know this race, you know its wicked hilly and some are those evil hills that go up and then plateau for 10 ft and then say "oh yeah we are going up ... AGAIN! yay im a hill!!!EAT ME"

I should have done more hill training, basically put. I really took my time going up the ups. Last year when i was hill training i got a foot injury due to hills, and i was partially thinking of this as slowly ascending the hills.

So my continued training must be stepped up a notch. If you live on a big hill in New London Ill be the runner girl going up and down, up and down, and up and down again. Nice to meet you.

Also if anyone live in the New london area and wants to get together on saturday mornings for a long run - 12-15miles?? yeah ill be doing that all summer long..........

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Tomorrows the day

Im think im ready, got my directions, ate my pasta, packed my bag with some "after sweat clothes".
I probably wont sleep well even though Im tiered. I cant wait to race tomorrow but im nervous at the same time.......

There are always those things that you never want to happen while you are running, like i fear rain-downpour- and i fear the blisters that follow. (so im constantly check the weather up till race day) My other fear is that I will all of a sudden have to Pooo and Ill end up running into the woods or running terribly the rest of the race. (my solution here is to try to go before - coffee is my friend) Or that maybe it will be WAY to hot and Ill pass out on the course. If that happens- if you see me (bib #1333) do NOT put me on an ambulance, i cant afford it, just try to do CPR, thanks.

think about me finishing and send me some energy via what ever way you people do that theses days.
IM OUTttttt

Friday, June 22, 2007

What i'd like for my birthday.
Just one of the MANY things on my list.

My Hero

So Dean attempted to Break the world record but his distance on the treadmill was about 26 miles too low. But hey, he still ran for 24 hours straight, on a tread mill. Thats enough to make me go insane. More that an hour on a treadmilll and i want to shoot myself.

Don't feel bad Dean, you are still my hero.

(thats me & Dean at the Hartford Marathon!)

Thursday, June 21, 2007


So new sports drink ACCELERADE, and Dean Karnazes, considered one of the BEST endurance athelete, (runs hundreds of miles at a time!!) , team up today to break the world record. Running 24 hours on a tread mill!! watch him live in time square!!!! (its indoors in a propped podium of sorts) neato!! well for running freaks anyway.......

I love DEAN , he is amazing. READ.His.BOOK!
watch DEAN live today! about 7 more hours to go till he breaks the record!!
Race on Sunday

Sunday the 24th will be my third year doing the Fairfield half marathon!! I feel like Ive trained well, although heat gets to me when I am running. I am hoping to do better than last year- meaning that I'd finish before 1:53. Thats a 8'42" pace that Im hoping I can scale back to about a 8'35" pace (?) but we will see.
My pacing is very WEATHER DEPENDENT.

2005 First year at Fairfield- VERY FIRST RACE!!! finished 2hr 2 min
2006 1hr 53 min
2007 ..................