Sunday, September 09, 2007

Another long run.......

Another long run with M and we managed to crank out 18 miles. From Mystic to Stonington Borough and then back down Rt 1 and over the drawbridge and down River Road. A nice loop, even though rt 1 was straight and boring. She pulled away from be quite a bit up some hills(she was ahead of me the whole time actually), she powers up them like its nothing- amazing! Once we hit the borough we were at just over 9 miles, and it was breezy by the water, it was going to be another 4 miles or so until we got to Mystic and could refill our water and use the restroom. I think the thought of using a restroom was the only thing that kept me going until we got into downtown... I was getting tiered! Once we got to the fountain we refilled and off we went for the last 3-4 mile stretch down river road. I had to walk a while and Melissa went ahead of me. It was getting hot and I was getting tiered. I finally made it to the end of river road and we walked up one of the last hills and M started running again and i did a few minutes later. She hit over 18 mark and I was able to run the last 3 tenths of a mile to just hit the 18 mark. We walked the last .40 mile up the hills back to Ms house. Sometimes those last 2 miles seem like an did for me this day.

Only a few more long runs then the I just want to get it over with.

Next week is Reach the Beach and we have a full team!! will update when get back.

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