Saturday, July 07, 2007

Long run Saturday

Ive been busy with family visiting but still managed to do a long run today. I do my long runs on saturdays. I was aiming for 14 miles today considering that I would like to do a few 20 milers or more before Hartford Marathon. I did 14.21 miles. It was a great morning for a run, I just did an out and back because if I do the loop through to Waterford and back into New London its not very shady, but I took Montauk Ave for the first time and it was shady and not too hot.

I did a few fartleks and speed drills earlier in the week (basically i want to be faster so, I hear, this is where i should focus for speed) also hills too) but I really felt that today when I was running I was strong and felt like if i keep up the speed work and really push myself when Im doing it- that i can be faster, I feel like Im already reaping the rewards of my speed workouts from this week.

Long run, then skimboarding. YAY. Great saturday. But Dave was at work allll day and night so it was just me and daisy dog.
But tomorrows my birthday. BLAH I dont think I like this getting older thing-but Im also very proud that I can say that Ive ran as many miles as years old I am in one road race.
And each year I am a better runner, So bring em on!!

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